Monday, November 2, 2009

Fright Fest '09

I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but in regards to Halloween I get really hyped up about it and then have a really hard time with the follow through. I get so nostalgic about the fall and pumpkins and costumes and kids and candy...but the closer I get to October 31st and realize I have no clever idea for a costume, I just get less and less jazzed about dressing up. I wish I had the clever mind to come up with something really great. Last year I didn't do anything. I see other people's costumes and think, "why didn't I come up with that?" Even my parents are better than me at this whole Halloween thing. This year they went as a priest and a pregnant nun. Funny, huh? By the way, Mom, I'm gonna need a picture of that.

But sometimes I overlook the obvious. What is my current obsession???? Well. Lady Gaga, of course.

There was one major obstacle in creating this costume. Lady Gaga doesn't wear pants. Perhaps if I looked as good as Lady Gaga (whatever her real name is), I would have considered this as an option. But I didn't think that would be a great look for me. Then I remembered the hair bow! Believe it or not, there is an online tutorial you can watch to create that thing. Unfortunately, the layers in my hair were too short for it to work with my actual hair. So I had to buy a hair

(the real deal)

(I decided Lady Gaga needed a cute accessory)

(with my roommate, Tamarind - the gothy smurf)

I know I've talked a lot about channeling my inner Lady Gaga. But it really was a blast to be her for a night :)

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