Sunday, February 28, 2010


Friends are my favorite kind of people on the planet. I never get sick of having them. Ever.

Tonight I had the pleasure of celebrating my friend Betsy's 26th birthday. I have known Betsy since she was 17. Our mutual friend Erin introduced us in October of 2001, the night our rival high schools played against each other in football. This was also the night that Betsy was crowned Homecoming Queen. And I was there to witness. I had no idea then what a good friend she'd become.

Betsy's party tonight got me thinking about how much I love people and how much I love making new friends. I have a ton of friends. But I genuinely love them all. Sometimes when I think about how much I love someone, it makes my heart hurt. I hope that never goes away. Isn't it great to know a person so well that you know when they are "just being who they are" - to know someone so well that you know exactly how to celebrate them?

I have friends that know me so well that they know what I need even before I do. And I have friends whose opinions I respect so much that I actually dread their opinions. What would I do if they told me something I didn't want to hear? I have friends who know things about me that I'd rather nobody knew. I also have friends that I avoid in hard spells of life because I know that they know that I know better. That's a lot of "knows" for one sentence. But it's good being known. And even better, there are people who know me and still love me.

As humans, we are bound to hurt one another whether we mean to or not. The people we love the most are the people who are the most capable of hurting us. But something in me needs to believe that I am loved and accepted by the important people in my life - and I want to believe the best about them. So I do. At least, I try my hardest. And I'm glad I do because I am surrounded by a lot of amazing people that make my life SO rich...and extremely colorful.

Tonight I made two new friends: one who is so passionate about what's going on in Haiti that he can't stand to be in the United States for one second longer, and one who used to be a pro golfer until he decided he couldn't take it anymore. Now he's a guitar tech in Nashville. Why not? I can't wait to see these guys again and hear how life is treating them. I also got to catch up with some old friends at Betsy's birthday party. Oh my gosh. I love them so much that my heart is going to explode. Ahh!!!

Friends. I do not want to know a life without them. So here's to more friends, more love, more hurt, more growth, more understanding...and more of whatever else friendships have to offer.

1 comment:

  1. hey lindsey!

    i gave up facebook for lent, and saw that you sent me a message. can you email me? .

    i remembered you had a blog so i had to be all tricky/google stalker-ish and find you here. :)
