Sunday, March 7, 2010


I cannot believe how fast time flies...and how much can change. Eight years ago my college girlfriends and I started making an annual trip to Aunt Loopy's house in Atlanta.

Eight years ago we were freshman in college. Now most of us are several years into marriages and starting to have kids...and we're well on our way to the careers we've been working so hard for. I don't have a husband or kids, but I do have a lot more life under my belt. It's just funny to think about the shifts in topics of conversation over the years. Relationships get deeper, circumstances get harder and successes become more rewarding.

My friend Nicolle started a blog called "The Flip Project." She is documenting the entire year - all 365 days of it - with videos. Here are the videos she made from this weekend at Loopy's.

65/365 from Nicolle Clawson on Vimeo.

64/365 from Nicolle Clawson on Vimeo.

You should check out Nicolle's "Flip Project" when you get a chance. You should also DEFINITELY have an "Aunt Loopy" weekend of your own. Gather your friends together, go away somewhere, get in your pajamas and talk, talk, talk.

I think the theme song for this weekend was John Mayer's "Say."

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

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