The first step is admitting there is a problem. You have to dig down deep and be really honest with yourself. I have an obsession with Amy Grant. It's healthy, I think. Maybe not. It's just that...when I was in second grade I was in my friend Lindsay Blatz's basement. We were playing Barbies and all of a sudden "That's What Love Is For," came on the radio. I'd never heard anything so lovely in all my 7 years of life. It moved me. And so when I got Amy's Heart In Motion cd for my 8th birthday (my first compact disc EVER), I decided I needed to move to Nashville and become a singer just like her. And almost 20 years later I'm still trying to be like her.
Occasionally, I'll realize that one of my friends kinda looks like Amy and I get a little jealous. I was telling my friends Mike and Stacey about this not too long ago and Mike, who is an amazing graphic designer/artist, made a cartoon about it. My issues inspired him!!!! I'm so glad people can use my problems for good. So. Enjoy.